It’s always exciting to hit a point in your pregnancy where you can announce the news to friends and family. But then you’re left trying to decide the best way to share the news. Sharing information on social media is a great way to tell everyone at the same time, but it can be a little impersonal.
These 72 pregnancy announcement captions are a great way to share the news and make it feel a little more emotional than just a simple, “we’re having a baby.” You can always adjust the wording to make it more personal too.
72 Pregnancy Announcement Captions
Image source: Pinterest
1. Thank the Lord: We have been keeping a secret! Thank you, Jesus! We can’t wait to meet our precious baby in [month].
2. Surprises: Life has a beautiful way of surprising us, and this time, the surprise comes in the form of a tiny heartbeat. We’re beyond excited to announce that our family is growing, and we’re eagerly anticipating the arrival of our precious little one. Join us on this journey of love and new beginnings!
3. Filling Your Heart: A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty.
4. Harry Potter: We solemnly swear that we’ve been up to no good. Baby due in [month].
5. Winnie the Pooh: “If I am thinking correctly,” said Pooh, “a new baby is probably, undoubtedly, the grandest gift that could ever be.”
6. Jaws: “We’re going to need a bigger boat.”
7. Jurassic Park: Life finds a way.
8. Whirlwinds: The past few months have been a whirlwind of emotions, from the initial disbelief to the overwhelming joy that comes with knowing that our family is about to grow. We’re excited to announce that our journey to parenthood has begun, and we’re embracing the adventure with open hearts and open arms. We know that the road ahead will be filled with challenges and beautiful moments, and we can’t wait to experience it all with our little one by our side. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey with us!
9. Countdown: The countdown to baby cuddles has begun!
10. Sunshine and Rainbows: Life’s about to get a whole lot more colorful!
11. Over the Moon: We can’t wait to tell you with joy over the moon that our bundle of joy is coming soon.
12. Gratitude: God has knit together a little one to join our family, and our hearts are overflowing with gratitude.
13. Baby Miracles: Even miracles take a little time. #babyontheway
14. Motherly Love: I’m in love with a human I haven’t met yet.
15. The Stork: Here comes the stork with a special delivery!
16. A Message for the Baby: I don’t know who you’ll be, but I know you’ll be my everything.
17. Mother and Child Bond: You’re the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.
18. New Chapters: Adding a new chapter to our love story… Baby arriving soon!
19. Have Everything: First, we had each other; then we had you. Now we have everything.
20. Denim Lovers: There’s nothing like a brand-new pair of genes. We are expecting.
21. DIY Family: Our best DIY project yet.
22. Parents Now: We’ve changed our names to Mom and Dad.
23. Mom vs. Dad: Baby in the tummy, it’s all up to mommy. But once the baby’s had, it’s bragging rights for Dad.
24. Boy or Girl Rhyme: Maybe pink, maybe blue, all we know is that we’re due!
25. Girl Rhyme: What a whirl, it’s a girl!
26. Boy Rhyme: Oh joy, it’s a boy!
27. Support: We’ve been keeping a precious secret, and it’s time to let the cat out of the bag: we’re going to be parents! The realization that we’re going to have a little one in our lives is both exhilarating and humbling. We’re excited to navigate this new chapter, with all its ups and downs, and to create a loving home filled with laughter, baby giggles, and unforgettable moments. Thank you for your support and love as we prepare to welcome our bundle of joy into the world.
28. Amusement Park: We’re on the ride of our lives.
29. Simple Math: 1+1=3.
30. Rhyming: Two tiny hands – two tiny feet – a baby girl/boy we can’t wait to meet.
31. The Techy Family: Baby is loading up for [month].
32. Valentine’s Day Announcement: Roses are red. Violets are blue. On <due date>, our little miracle is due.
33. Easter Announcement: The Easter Bunny really delivered this year! We are eggspecting twins.
34. Sibling Announcement: Being promoted to big sibling in [month].
35. Fur Baby Announcement: Our parents are getting us a human.
36. Failing Plant Parent: The year I grow a human, but still can’t keep my plants alive!
37. Back to Childhood: Don’t worry. I had a Tamagotchi. I got this.
38. Twins: Miracles come in pairs.
39. Funny Twins: Double trouble.
40. Shopping Twins: BOGO babies.
41. Prayers: We are eagerly waiting to welcome a new addition to our family. Proudly announcing that we are expecting a baby for the first time! Pray for both of us!
42. Counting the Feet: Our family is expanding by two feet in [month].
43. Triplets: Three times the blessing. Three times the fun. Three little miracles instead of one.
44. Waiting: With patience and love, we waited for our baby boy. With excitement and pride, we announce him to the world.
45. Twinkle Twinkle: Twinkle Twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are. We hoped and prayed it would happen someday, and oh, we’re pregnant, by the way.
46. Football: We’re adding a new player to our roster.
47. Baby Cheer: Hip Hip Hooray! Another babe is on its way!
48. Superhero Sibling: Every superhero needs a sidekick!
49. Superhero Mom: I grow humans. What’s your superpower?
50. Nosy Family: You can stop asking when we are having a baby now.
51. Animal Parents Baby Announcement: Our zoo is expanding by two feet this winter, and our fur kids will be siblings!
52. No Longer Trying: We stopped trying to get pregnant because our efforts have already been successful!
53. Fingers and Toes: The happiness in our hearts grows and grows; We’re adding ten little fingers and ten little toes.
54. Spring Announcement: Spring is in the air, and we have big news to share. We’re expecting.
55. Love and Emotion: Each day of being pregnant means another day closer to meeting the other and the most special love of your life.
56. Bees: We’ve been busy as a bee, and now there are three.
57. (I’m) patiently Waiting: Will we have a she, or will we have a he? All we know is that we’re parents-to-be! FINALLY!
58. Abstinence: I’m giving up things like lunch meat, caffeine, sushi, and alcohol for 9 months.
59. No Sleep: Cue the baby cuddles and sleepless nights!
60. Lifetime Commitment: A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until the day you die.
61. Adventure: Our greatest adventure is on the horizon… Baby arriving soon.
62. Flowers: Flowers aren’t the only thing blooming this spring!
63. Fall Announcement: We’re adding a new little pumpkin to our patch.
64. Thanksgiving Announcement: There’s more than turkey in this oven!
65. Christmas Announcement: Santa isn’t the only one coming to town.
66. New Year Announcement: Silent nights, ending next year.
67. Shoes: Tiny shoes, big adventures ahead!
68. Expanding the Tree: It’s time to add a new branch to our family tree. It’s time we all celebrate the miracle of motherhood. I’m expecting a new member of our family.
69. Deeply in Love: The butterflies he used to give me turned into tiny feet.
70. Maureen Hawkins: “Before you were conceived, I wanted you. Before you were born, I loved you. Before you were here an hour, I would die for you. This is the miracle of mother’s love.”
71. Mary Mason: “A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until the day you die.”
72. Carrie Fisher: “Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder, and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be.”